Simple code snippet for an offline translation

I’m reading a French paper by Jacquet on the proof of Waldspurger’s formula using Relative Trace Formula. Since I’m completely new to the French, I’m reading a paper with help of Google translator. However, an issue with it is that I can’t use it without internet connection. Hence I write (actually not me, but ChatGPT does) a simple python script that translates a French sentence into an English sentence using a language model. The method is simple: download the SOTA machine translation for French to English translation, and use it.

First, you need to install the following python packages using pip:

pip install transformers torch sentencepiece sacremoses

Then make a file named and put the following script in it:

from transformers import pipeline

def load_translator():
    translator = pipeline('translation_fr_to_en', model='Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-fr-en')
    return translator

def translate(text: str) -> str:
    translated_text = translator(text, max_length=4096)[0]["translation_text"]
    return translated_text

if __name__ == "__main__":
    translator = load_translator()
    while True:
        print("Enter a French sentence to translate: ")
        french_sentence = input()
        translated_sentence = translate(french_sentence)
        print("-" * 40)

This is a simple modification of a script written by ChatGPT. You can see that this code downloads a French-to-English machine translation model made by Helsinki NLP. You only need to download the model once for the first time, whose size is about 300MB.

After that, simply enter python on a command line and you will see the following words.

> python
Enter a French sentence to translate:

As it says, just enter a sentence that you want to translate! Then it will be translated in a few seconds.

Enter a French sentence to translate: 
Un chat et un garcon
A cat and a boy
Enter a French sentence to translate: 

You can do this as many time as you want. Enter CTRL + C to exit.

Unfortulately, it does not work well for some sentences from the paper.

Enter a French sentence to translate: 
Soit F un corps local et E une extension quadratique de E 
Be F a local body and E a quadratic extension of E
Enter a French sentence to translate: 

But it is okay since we know that corps local means local field in mathematics.

Tags: machine-learning  development