How to not to be a coward
I saw the following proof today (from Twitter, and also from my friend):
This is a blog on ANY subjects I’m interested in, including math, machine learning, musics, cubes, etc.
I saw the following proof today (from Twitter, and also from my friend):
Musics I enjoyed in 2024. Check out the last year’s list.
The goal of this post is to prove the following congruence: for primes $p \ne 3$,
There was Building Bridges: 6th EU/US Summer School & Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics which is an annual 2-weeks conference for the topi...
The goal of this post is to introduce Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and its connection to perverse sheaves. It can be one of the pioneering example of geometri...
In this article, we reproduce the proof of Weyl’s complete reducibility theorem:
Here I give a comprehensive list of existing works on Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures, for
I uploaded a new paper on arXiv about modular form inequalities appear in the proof of optimality of $E_{8}$ and Leech lattice sphere packings by Viazovska a...
There was Relative Langlands Duality summer school & workshop at University of Minnesota, which introduces the recent work by Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis, and ...
In this article, I explain the meaning of the following statement:
There are recent initiatives, including IMO Grand Challenge and AIMO that seek AI solving international mathematical olympiad problems and win a gold medal. ...
End of 2023 is here. I want to share my favourite tracks and DJ sets that I’ve listened this year. Some of the tracks are released before 2023 - these are th...
I recently wrote a paper on the Conway-Soifer conjecture with my friend Jineon Baek. The paper by Conway and Soifer is famous for holding the best record for...
In this post, we give a new short proof of the Bassel problem $\zeta(2) = \pi^2 / 6$ using Eisenstein series.
Disclaimer: All the statements here are my own opinion. It does not reflect any organizations.
I just returned from Honolulu, Hawaii, where this year’s ICML was held. Although I do not major in ML, I attended to present my work on homomorphic encryptio...
In this post, we define general spin groups via Clifford algebra and give exceptional isomorphisms with other groups for low rank cases. Main references are ...
In this post, we introduce the paper “LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models” by Edward Hu, Yelong Shen, Phillip Wallis, Zeyu Zhu, Yuanzhi Li, Sh...
In this post, we will see some interesting applications of $p$-adic numbers. We will assume that readers are familiar with $p$-adic numbers and their basic p...
Let $G$ be a reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}$. Choose an embedding $G \hookrightarrow \mathrm{GL}_n$, and define
In November 30, 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, and (at least in my opinion) it changed the world a lot, because of its standout performance. It can do a lot ...
I’m reading a French paper by Jacquet on the proof of Waldspurger’s formula using Relative Trace Formula. Since I’m completely new to the French, I’m reading...
Trace formula expresss the trace of the right regular representation of certain reductive algebraic group in two ways, spectral and geometric way. The formul...
I’m doing TA for multivariable calculus this semester. I gave the following exercise in discussion sections:
(Yes, you read it correctly.)
In 2017, Deepmind released AlphaZero [1], which is an upgraded version of AlphaGo Zero (an AI plays Go) and can play Go, Chess, and Shogi. Two years later, t...
In this semester, there’s a learning seminar on Katz’s paper on arithmetic differential equations [1] at UC Berkeley. On the latest lecture by Tony Feng, we ...
As a first post of my (new) blog, I’m going to introduce a proof of infinitude of primes that I found few years ago, assuming ABC conjecture.
(This is a post translated from the original post I wrote last year.)