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Research Statement


Publications (Math)

  • (with J. Baek) An equilateral triangle of side $>n$ cannot be covered by $n^2 + 1$ unit equilateral triangles homothetic to it, The American Mathematical Monthly 1-9 (2024). paper blog
  • (with D. Choi) Non-archimedean Sendov’s conjecture, p-adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications 14, 77-80 (2022) paper
  • Maass wave forms, quantum modular forms and Hecke operators, Res. Mathematical Science 6, 7 (2018), Modular Forms are Everywhere: Celebration of Don Zagier’s 65th Birthday paper
  • Quantum modular forms and Hecke operators. Res. Number Theory 4, 18 (2018) paper
  • (with Y. Chen, R. Chernov, M. Flores, M. Bourque and B. Yang) Toy Teichmüller spaces of real dimension 2: the pentagon and the punctured triangle, Geom. Dedicata 197 (2018), 193-227 paper

Publications (Others)

  • (with G. Lee, J. Kim, J. Shin, M. Lee) HETAL: Efficient Privacy-preserving Transfer Learning with Homomomorphic Encryption, accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning 2023 (Oral) paper github presentation(short) presentation(long)
  • (with J. Kim) Revisiting the Convergence Theorem for Competitive Bidding in Common Value Actions, Economic Theory Bulletin 10, 293-302 (2022) paper
  • (with K. Kim, J. Shin, J. Park) Tracing Knowledge for Tracing Dropouts: Multi-Task Training for Study Session Dropout Prediction, Educational Data Mining 2021 paper
  • (with S. Kim, Y. Shim, H. Loh, J. Park) Behavioral Testing of Deep Neural Network Knowledge Tracing Models, Educational Data Mining 2021 paper
  • (with D. Shin, Y. Shim, H. Yu, S. Lee, B. Kim, Y. Choi) SAINT+: Integrating Temporal Features for EdNet Correctness Prediction, LAK 2021: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference paper
  • (with H. Loh, D. Shin, J. Baek, C. Hwang, Y. Lee, Y. Cha, S. Kwon, J. Park, Y. Choi) Recommendation for Effect Standardized Exam Preparation, LAK 2021: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference paper
  • (with Y. Choi, Y. Lee, D. Shin, J. Cho, S. Park, J. Baek, B. Kim, Y. Jang) EdNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset in Education, Artificial Intelligence in Education 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12164. Springer, Cham. paper
  • (with J. Kim) Apportionment of Liability by the Stochastic Shapley Value, International Review of Law & Economics 60 (2019), 1-8 paper

In Preparation



I’m also interested in programming (Python, Lean, SageMath, etc) and contributing to open sources. You can find some of my projects and contributions below: