Learning seminar on Bruhat-Tits buildings

The main goal of the seminar is twofold: (i) understand the Bruhat-Tits buildings attached to reductive groups, and (ii) study various applications of buildings. For example, we may talk about Moy-Prasad filtration and Yu’s construction of supercuspidal representations, for representation theoriest. But there are a lot of other applications of buildings including (explicit) Local Langlands correspondence, $p$-adic geometry, topology, etc. Feel free to talk about whatever you are interested in, that is related to Bruhat-Tits buildings.

When: Friday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm + $\alpha$ (with Berkeley time)

Where: Evans 748 Evans 740 (updated!)


Vague Schedule: Read me

Concise Schedule (which may update frequently):

When Who What References / Notes
Week 1 (Jan 31) Seewoo Overview Fintzen’s CDM & IHES notes, Serre “Trees”, Note
Week 2 (Feb 7) Saud Representation theory of $\mathrm{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{F}_{p})$ and Drinfeld variety Andy Gordon’s note, Paul Garrett’s note, Bump
Week 3 (Feb 14) Brian Spherical and affine apartments, parahoric subgroups Rabinoff’s undergrad thesis, Note
Week 4 (Feb 21) Seewoo Define buildings, important properties, $\mathrm{SL}_{2}$ Rabinoff’s undergrad thesis, Serre “Trees”, Note
Week 5 (Feb 28) Swapnil Buildings for non-split groups Kaletha-Prasad Chap 6/7, Note
Week 6 (March 7) - No seminar (AWS) -
Week 7 (March 14)      
Week 8 (March 21)      
Week 9 (March 28)      
Week 10 (April 4)      
Week 11 (April 11)      
Week 12 (April 18)      
Week 13 (April 25)      
Week 14 (May 2)      

Topics to be covered (i.e. another vague schedule)

As we understand now (in theory) what are the buildings, we may study more applications of the theory of buildings or related topics. Here are the possible topics that I can think of; please(!) let me know if you want to give a talk on any of these, or have any other topics in your mind.

There are some dependencies among them (for example, Moy-Prasad should be mentioned ealier than Yu’s construction).
